Games: The Return of the Vintage

Though this might sound like a much-anticipated sequel to a blockbuster, it is actually an ode of sorts to the games which accompanied us in the 80s and 90s. Gamblib was still a child back then, unaware of the slots empire he would soon build but already crazy about games and anything game-related. Some of the games we’re going to list below were his favourites and we wonder whether they were yours too! While the world moves towards ever-advancing technology for our games, there’s an innate desire in us to go back to our roots. At a time when even the simplest game used to spell hours of fun and laughter.

It’s no surprise therefore, that when Gamblib browsed the web in search of his favourite childhood games, he found that some of them were quite pricey. The demand was high, the supply low so the cost for factory sealed games sky rocketed. While pondering whether he should just stick to his own free slots (incidentally, available here for everyone) or whether he should dig his hands deeper in his pockets to purchase one, Gamblib compiled this list, gamified it a little for everyone to enjoy, and spent the rest of the day picking retro games and adding them to his shopping cart.

Street Fighter

A childhood without having played street fighter is indeed a childhood missing out on one of the most influential games in the early nineties. It was the video arcade game at amusement arcades which attracted the most attention because everyone would gather around for tournaments. Gamblib lost the final of one such tournament back in his youth, which is perhaps why he still holds a grudge against the game. Nevertheless, it sold 6.3 million copies when it was launched in 1991 and was the fourth best-selling Super Nintendo game. The highest it ever sold? $319.19

Super Mario Bros

Super Mario is a household name. It has spawned everything, from movies to merchandise of any sort imaginable. Naturally, Gamblib couldn’t resist having a slot inspired by the iconic Super Mario game elements, given that Super Mario Bros was his first introduction into the world of virtual games. The original game itself, the one launched in 1985 sold over 40 million copies and is to this day the best-selling retro game of all time (single-platform only). The highest it was ever sold stands at $376, which is quite something given that it was only sold for $29.99 back in the day.

Resident Evil

A lot of people have played Resident Evil in recent years, watched the movie or, if they’re the ultimate gamers had “brains” from Resident Evil for lunch while in Tokyo (we’re not making this up – there’s an actual bar which serves this delicacy). But very few people know that the original Resident Evil came out in 1996 and sold 5.5 million copies! The original RRP cost $49.99 and the highest paid was … $810! Yes, you can breathe a disappointed sigh now. That’s how much your factory sealed game (the one you gave away because you were never interested) might have been sold for today. Better luck next time!

Sonic the Hedgehog

We all know Sonic, the friendly, incredibly fast hedgehog, but did you also know he will be 27 years old this year? Probably not as fast as he once was, Sonic can still boast a total of 6 million copies sold and of having the title of best-selling Sega Genesis Game. As a tribute to another favourite from Gamblib’ repertoire of childhood games, you can also enjoy reliving the Sonic experience with a Sonic-themed slot available on our website. The good news is, it won’t cost you $494.99, as a mint Sonic The Hedgehog game would cost you. The bad news? Well, it might make you feel slightly old…

Crash Bandicoot

Ah, Crash! Love him or hate him, there’s no denying that when we hear that “Buldigan” (and its various interpretations) come on, we’re forcibly reminded of happier days when the world revolved around catching fruits and jumping on wooden boxes. Crash Bandicoot was first sold in 1996 to the tune of… $49.99. It sold 6.8 million copies, was the 8th most successful PlayStation game in terms of sales and a brand new, factory sealed game could cost you up to $1076! Do you still think it’s a silly game now?

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy is an empire today but the original game launched in 1997 was already a hit, selling over 9 million copies and being the 2nd best-selling PlayStation game. Do you remember the original game or have you ever played it? Gamblib, whose own current slot collection includes one or two slots inspired by the Final Fantasy setting, recalls playing it but has no idea what came to be of the actual game. Which is a huge pity, given it has been sold for a w hopping $1237.

Whether you’ve played them or not, loved them, hated them or still enjoy a bout or two at your PlayStation even today, games will always be an indelible part of our lives. Here at Gamblib we know that very well. You can spend hours here checking out top online slots which best suit your mood. But even outside of the Gamblib world, outside of your PC even, games surround us and make our lives that little bit more cheerful. If you still have your old Nintendo or PlayStation games at home, go check them out and see whether they’re worth anything anymore. You can decide to start your own collection or perhaps sell them off to upgrade your own gaming platform.

Good luck and happy playing!